Cub Scout Pack 516
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Phoenix goes Mobile
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2013 July Events
July 13, 7:45am: Cub Mobile Races!
If you attended last year's races, you know what's coming. This fun event involves constructing a gravity-propelled drivable vehicle or rebuilding last year's speedster and racing one-on-one down an eye-popping slope (okay, joking). Check out some these photos from 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Pack 516 will staff this district event. Let me know if you can help in any way! Refer to the flyer packet for schedule and instructions.
All Summer: Summertime Reading Program
The Cub Scout reading program is under way! Keep track of your time in the Summertime Reading Log. Make as many copies as you need.
2013 June Events
June 4, 6:30pm: Join Scouts Night
Fliers will go out in the May 21st and 28th Yale Tuesday folders for this recruiting event. We'd love representation from each den. Deborah will work with the kids, while other leaders talk to the adults about our Pack and the adventure of Scouts. Come one, come all!
June 6: Last day of school for RISD
June 10-14 (Bears, Wolves, Webs)
June 12-14 (Tigers), 4:00 - 8:30: Twilight Camp
And so the summer begins with an event that every Scout will remember throughout his Scouting career. BB Guns, Archery, Crafts, Games, etc. Register today! $55 for Bears, Wolves, Webs (or $75 if you register after April 30th); $30 for Tigers; $10 for adults; and $5/person for Webs camping on Friday! Volunteers needed to help keep it running smooth. Refer to the link above for any and all information. You can't beat this event -- plus, it starts your scout on his new rank achievements. Hope to see you there!
June 23-26, Webelos Resident Camp
Suzy Fox and Kevin McClelland are arranging for all of our Webelos to attend this great camp. If you're a webelos parent, contact your den leader for more information. This camp gives the boys a taste of what it's like to be a Boy Scout. Plus, the boys get a great head start on their Webelos activity badges!
All Summer: Summertime Reading Program
The Cub Scout reading program is ready to kick off. Head to the Richardson Library or Half-Price Books and begin collecting your reading material for the summer. Keep track of your time in the Summertime Reading Log. Make as many copies as you need.
2013 May Events
2013 May Events
May 7: Den meeting
May 9: Cub Scout Round Table
May 14: Den meeting
Last den meeting of the year! Work on those final remaining achievements and electives or just have some fun together.
May 15: Camp Card money deadline
Our last sale date at Kroger was May 5th. Please get all monies (including those earned by your Scout) to Carrie ASAP. She MUST have the money by this date, but passing along the money earlier is even better. That way you're less likely to misplace funds.
May 17: Yale Elementary Carnival
Pack 516 continues to be a part of Yale Elementary's carnival program each year to give kids a taste of the fun and learning they'd experience if they were to join scouts. This year we'll be running a stomp rocket event. Kids get to make paper rockets with card stock and duct tape. Then, shoot them off from our pre-made (PVC & bottles) rocket launchers. Each den will be running the booth in shifts:
- 5:00 - 6:00: Webelos / Tigers
- 6:00 - 7:00: Wolves
- 7:00 - 8:00: Bears
May 21: Pack meeting, with crossover
Oh no! This is the last pack meeting for the 2012-2013 school year! The scouts will be crossing over and receiving their next rank's book, neckerchief, and slide. This event is particularly significant, so invite all your friends and family to give your scout support! The next pack meeting will not be until the next school year, in September. Be not afraid -- there's no shortage of summer events to keep your scout busy! Keep up with the Pack emails and information from your den leaders.
2013 April Events
Apr 1: Camp Card Store Sales
Store sales for the Camp Card "store" program officially begins today. Contact Carrie McClelland for further details. Store dates include Apr 1, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 20, May 3, 5. You can sign up online right now at the pack's Shutterfly site.
Apr 2: Den meeting @ Richardson East Church of Christ
Apr 6: Richardson Trash Bash @ 9:30am
Let's work on cleaning up the city and "Leave No Trace" at the same time. Please consider joining the Pack by picking up trash. It's always more fun and goes faster when we're doing the work together. Check out the City of Richardson's flier. This event contributes toward Leave-No-Trace requirements.
Our area is Owens Trail, between Arapaho and Campbell. Everyone is to meet at New Life Church @ 9:30am (further east side of parking lot), where you'll be assigned and given trash bags. See you there! Bring a water bottle. Also, a follow-up fun event is held at the Richardson Civic Center following the trash pickup (with give-aways) starting at 11:00am.
Apr 9: Den meeting @ Richardson East Church of Christ
Apr 11: Cub Scout Round Table
Apr 16: Pack Meeting
Apr 26-28: Western Days: Parent and Pal Campout
As the final official campout for the school year, this event is held in Athens, TX, at Trevor Reece Jones (TRJ) aka Clements Scout Ranch. Don't miss this incredible experience. Particular to this event is horseback riding and fishing, so register today. Cost is only $60 per person and covers all meals. Only scouts and a parent(s) may attend (no siblings). Check the flier for registration.
2013 March Events
Mar 2: Arrow of Light ceremony
Location: Breckenridge Park, Lot C (same location as Twilight Camp)
Dress: Full uniform for all Scouts
Let's congratulate the Rockets for surviving 5 long, yet exciting years. We will be reflecting on their entire Cub Scout experience as they look forward to continuing their Scouting adventure with their selected Boy Scout Troop. We'll miss you! Everyone in the Pack is requested to attend. Please come in full uniform.
Mar 4: Camp Card sales begins
Sales for the Camp Card program officially begins today. Each card costs $5 and scouts earn $2.50 directly for future camp programs. The cost for Twilight Camp this year is $55/scout, which can be covered by selling 22 cards. Parent and Pal is $60/person (24 cards). A "scout account" is maintained for each scout, allowing the kids to use this money for any scout event while in the Pack. Store sales have been arranged for 2013. Contact Carrie McClelland for details.
Mar 5: Den meeting
Mar 7: Cub Scout Round Table
Mar 19: Pack Meeting
The Rockets have left. Four dens remain until the crossover in May.
Mar 22 - 24: Spring Campout
It's definitely not too soon to put the Spring Campout on your calendar! All the plans are coming together and you definitely won't want to miss it. It will be held this year at Purtis Creek State Park in Eustace, TX. Cost is $20/family to cover camp sites and Saturday dinner. A park entrance fee of $4/person (13 years and up) is paid at the time of entry, unless youhave a State Park pass.
14225 FM 316
Eustace, TX 75124
Please fill out this Permission Slip and return it to your Den leader on or before the March Pack meeting on March 19. If you have any specific questions, please contact Kevin McClelland. The event agenda is posted.
2013 February Events
Feb 9: Scouting For Food, distribution
Den leaders lead their Scouts to distribute the bags to the homes in the area your Den has been assigned. The areas for each Den have been defined. Details to be emailed out in advance.
Feb 12: Den meeting
Feb 16: Scouting For Food, pickup
Now that the bags have been distributed, let's go out and collect as much food as we can for the Food Network. We will need help delivering the food to the network location.
Feb 23, 5:30 - 7:00pm: Blue & Gold Banquet
Every year Blue & Gold marks the anniversary of BSA: a time when alumni return and leaders are recognized. This event shall be held at the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany (map). All family members (including extended) are invited to attend. Directed by Jack and Melinda Nelson. Make sure you thank them!
2013 January Events
Jan 5: University of Scouting
If you ARE or want to be a leader and would like some Scout leadership training, this special day at SMU is an opportunity you'll want to take advantage of. If you find anything of interest on the schedule, please register ASAP. In a few years, you could get a PhD from SMU! Hope to see you there!
Jan 12, 3pm - 5pm: Derby Workshop
A workshop will be held at the McCracken's home to help you and your Scout prepare his Pinewood Derby car for the upcoming races. Lots of fun to be had by all, so let's get building! You have time to perfect your racing wonder before the time trials and then the actual Pinewood Derby. One of the best events of the year for both Scouts and adults. This year's Derby rules are available in the Documents section.
Jan 15: Den meeting
Jan 22: Pack Meeting - Uniform Inspection
Uniform inspection! Come dressed in your best (Class A). We'll have a special visitor to perform the inspection.
Jan 25, 7:00pm: Derby Time Trials
Prior to Derby day, you may participate in time trials to see how your newly created speedster fairs with its competitors. Do not miss this opportunity to work out the bugs and make last minute improvements. The trials will be held in the large backroom of New Life Church from 7:00 - 8:45pm.
Jan 26, 7:00am: Pinewood Derby!
Race time! Is your car ready to compete?! This is a full day of activities starting with registration at 7:00am at New Life Church. The race order is Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos I, Webelos II, Pack Finals, and then a race for all the adults and siblings. Refer to the race schedule. Be prepared to stick around for 7-8 hours. It's exhausting, but exciting. Here are photos from last year's event.
Jan 27: Northern Trail Banquet
This year the banquet will examine the 2012 year of Northern Trail and honor our three nominations for the Y.E.S. award: Roger McLaren, Suzy Fox, and Tom Fox. Congratulations! Also, Pack 516 has achieved the Gold Unit Award, which shows our high level of activity and participation in unit, district, and council level events. You guys rock!
2012 December Events
Dec 1: Richardson Christmas Parade
This year the Christmas parade is on the west side of Richardson. Aaron Howell and Ron Beck will design and build the concept, but they'll need help to make this a fun and successful event.
The theme this year is "Reindeer Games". For more detail, refer to the Richardson parade information. Details, including the venue schedule, will be sent out soon. The November 27th den meeting will include activities to prepare for the parade. Let's make this fun and represent the Scouts the best we can.
Be prepared for the cold! Check out some pictures from last parade on the west side.
Dec 1, 2, 7, 8, or 9 (+ Nov 30): Scout Days at Six Flags
Six Flags is SO much bigger than it was many years ago "in the day". Here's another Scout-sponsored event where you get to choose from a set of days. Tickets are $24.99. Children 2 and under are free. Refer here for more details and placing orders.
Dec 1: Scouts Night at the Dallas Mavericks
If you're a Mavs fan, come support your team against the Detroit Pistons. You must have purchased your tickets by Nov. 1st. Refer for the flyer for more info.
Dec 4: Den meeting
Dec 8: Service project @ New Life Church
We will hold a service project for our charter organization. More information to follow as we get closer to the date, but mark this on your calendar. We will likely be raking leaves and picking up trash around the church. Many ranks require a service project.
Dec 11: Pack Meeting
Uniform inspection! Come dressed in your best (Class A). Also, we may have a special visitor bearing presents.
Dec 13: Cub Scout Round Table
Dec 25: Christmas!
Take a break from Scouts and spend time with your family and friends! Ho! Ho! Ho!
2012 November Events
Nov 10: Popcorn pickup
Right when you thought popcorn was over... oh yeah! We need to deliver the popcorn. Please come to help retrieve our popcorn product from the scout warehouse. It'll take only 2 hours of your time -- we need your help! The more volunteers and large vehicles we have, the faster the sorting process goes.
Nov 10+: Popcorn delivery!
Your Den leader will be the primary pickup point for your popcorn. Contact your Den leader to arrange a time to collect your popcorn product. Plan a day (either today or another) to deliver all of your popcorn. I strongly encourage the scouts (with parental help) to write a thank-you note to include with each delivery. These notes go a LONG ways for future sales. Idea: Write one note and make copies!
Nov. 13: Den meeting
Please turn in the pack campout $20/family fee and consent form at this meeting.
Nov 16-18: Fall Pack Campout
"Pack 516 puts the outing in Scouting." We always have -- we always will. The camping experience is just a glimpse into Boy Scouts since Boys Scouts is all about camping. The boys learn, have fun, and remember these outings for years. This will be the last Pack campout that officially includes the Rockets, so let's do it big! EVERYONE is highly encouraged to attend. Camping is the bomb! It might be chilly, though, so come prepared. Check your email for schedule, directions, and suggested items to bring. If you haven't turned in the consent form or $20/family fee, please do so at the Nov. 13th den meeting.
Nov. 20: Pack Meeting
Popcorn stats and awards presented. Plus, the usual ongoings.
Nov. 27: Den meeting
First den of December is held at the end of November. Crazy, I know!
2012 October Events
September and October: Popcorn sales
Keep those popcorn orders coming in! It is recommended that you turn in your money ASAP so that checks can be deposited. Plus, if you hold onto the money for the entire period, it can be harder to keep track of. Turn in your money to your den's popcorn representative.
Oct. 2: Den meeting
Oct. 2: National Night Out
Immediately following the Den meeting, you're encouraged to join your neighborhood block party for this time to talk with those that live around you. Discover what's going on around your block. Remember the days when everyone knew everyone and it was safe for your kids to roam the neighborhood? Reach out to those around you! Check here for more information.
Oct. 5: Registration ENDS for Northern Trail To Adventure!
Register for Northern Trail to Adventure. This is the first event of the year that includes BB guns and Bow & Arrows. Plus, it's family centric -- bring your whole family for a day of fun. Camp overnight too! The theme this year is Medieval Times! The cost is $20/scout, $15/adult-sibling.
Oct. 5, 7:00pm: Join Scouting Night @ Mark Twain
Our last JSN will be held at Mark Twain Elementary to reach out to this school that does not have a Scout pack or troop associated with it. We will be that group, as we were last year.
Oct. 11: Cub Scout Round Table
Oct. 16: Pack Meeting
Please turn in all your popcorn monies at this event. Deliveries are to be made on or after the point of pickup, but no more orders are taken from this point on.
Oct. 13-14: Northern Trail To Adventure
Our first camping opportunity for the year is one held annually by the District at Camp Wisdom, south of Dallas. It's a full day of fun, followed up by a single night of camping (optional). Come out and join us! This year's theme is "Cubs of the Roundtable". Check out the flyer.
Oct. 19-21: Parent and Pal -- Pumpkin Chunkin!
Another wonderful camping event specifically focused on the scout with a parent. Usually incredible weather! Check out some of the photos from past years. The boys are "hands on" at this event. Who wouldn't want to chunk a pumpkin, fire a BB gun, or shoot bow and arrow?! I hope to see you there on the paintball slingshot range!
Oct. 23: No official den meeting today!
That's right, we don't have two official den meetings this month. However, if you Den would like a second meeting, the Dens may hold a meeting offsite. Your Den leaders will make this decision and will let you know.
2012 September Events
September and October: Popcorn sales
Yes, it's that time of year again. Popcorn is our #1 fund-raising activity for the year. The earlier you start, the more you'll earn... the more you earn, the more activities the pack can enjoy and the more prizes your scout will be awarded. Let's do it up big! Show & Sell (store front) sales information will be distributed soon. Contact John Cagle for more information or if you have any questions.
Sep. 1, 4:00pm - 8:30pm: Swimming Party #4 and Popcorn kick-off
And just after school begins, we need another swim party to cool off from the crazy week -- that includes the whole family! This event specifically targets NEW scouts, so invite your buddies! Hosted at New Life Church by the Rockets.
Also during this event is the popcorn kickoff since sale started the previous weekend (August 25th).
Sep. 11: Den meeting
Sep. 13, 7:00pm: Join Scouting Night @ Legacy Academy
This is the first year for Legacy Academy (housed out of New Life Church), so we hope to have a good showing of boys from the school for both Cubs and Boy Scouts. All Scouts are encouraged to join us tonight to welcome potential scouts for the new year. The event should only last one hour.
Sep. 18, 7:00pm: Join Scouting Night @ Yale Elementary
All Scouts are encouraged to join us at Yale Elementary to welcome potential scouts for the new year. We need Tigers -- everyone should help recruit! Specifically, we need parents to help hand out fliers before and after school that day. All Scouts should wear their uniforms to school and tell their buddies about all the fun they have and will be having this year.
Sep. 20, 6:00pm: Picnic in the Park