Cub Scout Pack 516
Pack Leadership, 2013 - 2014
Refer to the following document for the most up-to-date Pack 516 leadership reference.
We are ALWAYS look for additional help. Empty slots in the roster point out holes in our leadership team for which we are looking for help. Cub Scouts is an entirely volunteer organization. The program is ONLY as good as the effort you, as parents, put into the program. We need YOUR help to make this the best program possible for your kids. Just as we teach the boys "Do Your Best", we desire to model the same within the adult community to teach our boys by example.
In order to mix things up and reduce burn-out, it is recommended that all positions on the leadership team are changed every 2-3 years. This "change of the guard" passes on the legacy of our distinguished organization and provides a smooth transition (before the previous person graduates or leaves the unit). Pass on what you have learned.
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